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  • Aktuelle Kinofilme
  • Release
  • Demnächst im kino
  • Klandestin Stream KinoX

    Richard, an artist, now lives in Tangier. With his help, the young Moroccan Malik manages to reach Europe, the destination of his dreams. That's where Mathilda, a conservative politician, hides him. Amina, Mathilda's assistant, who finally wants to leave her Moroccan roots behind, is called in as a "mediator" to resolve the problem.



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    Weitere Details

    Genre: Demnächst im kino / Drama
    Das Land: Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich
    Regisseur: Angelina Maccarone
    Schauspieler: Lambert Wilson, Barbara Sukowa, Katharina Schüttler, Soufiane El Khalidy, Habib Adda, Banafshe Hourmazdi, Dalila Abdallah, Meriam Abbas, Nicolette Krebitz
    Auflösung: HD

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